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L'incantesimo di crescita delle tette del fidanzato va storto - video completo su ManyVids!

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Claudia's boyfriend is obsessed with big boobs. She humours him before they go out on a date, asking if her dress makes her breasts look big enough and he says confidently that he has a spell which will make them grow. Claudia is very skeptical and tells him that sounds like rubbish - how could a spell possibly make her tits bigger? Where would the matter to make them grow come from anyway? Out of thin air? She rolls her eyes and tells him sure, he can do his stupid spell. To Claudia's shock her boobs expand instantly, growing to the size of melons in a blink. She looks around to find her boyfriend who seems to have vanished and finally discovers him on the carpet, shrunk down to only a few inches tall. He can't help himself and asks to be pressed in between her boobs, then reveals the change is permanent. Claudia is furious and tells him that since he wants to be trapped between her giant tits so badly maybe that can be the last thing he ever does…

Pubblicato da ClaudiaKink

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Come farai a magiarli dal nulla?

Non vado al lavoro.

Oh, mio Dio.

Va bene.

Senti, ok, visto che sei cosi' sicuro di te, quanto ci vorra'?

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Ma che...

Oh, mio Dio, e' quello?

Se pensavi che fosse reale e sapevi che era permanente, perche' l'hai fatto?

Cosa vuoi fare per avvicinarti a loro?

Ok, va bene.

Senti, sono abbastanza grandi da poter... Sei bloccato li' dentro, eh?

Sei proprio li' dentro?

Non sarai soffocato da queste tette enormi?

Spinti tra loro?

Bloccato li', eh?

  • 8,389
  • 01:11